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by | Sep 14, 2022 | Self-Compassion

Manifest the Energy of the Reality You Wish to Create

We at Tree of Life Counseling believe we can manifest the energy of the reality we wish to create through small simple moments…

The moments you choose to pay attention to your thoughts, emotional and behavioral patterns. The moments you notice how the energy of your thoughts and emotions are experienced in your body. The moments you remind yourself you are safe and enough in this breath. The small moments of self-compassion when you catch yourself being critical or hash on yourself. That small moment you choose to enforce a boundary. The small moments you choose to respond vs react. The small moment you choose yourself over the thoughts of others…

The small moments you lean into the discomfort and uncertainty. That moment you choose to feel the pain instead of avoid. That small moment you give yourself permission to be fully present with yourself. Those moments you listen to your body and actually rest.

These small moments help you manifest the energy of that reality you wish to create even if you aren’t totally sure what exactly that is yet, other than healthier from your current life.

These small moments, especially when done more consistently, not only attract the energy you yearn for, but also helps rewire your brain and regulate your nervous system too.

It can be one of the most empowering, freeing and self-motivating natural doses of medicine you can choose today…. your growth and healing journey starts with just one breath.

We would be honored to support and encourage you in ways to learn the power of the pause, challenge those thoughts and nourish the good already inside of you!

P.S. This image was obtained from the below website when searching pictures to represent growth and coincidentally the article attached to this image aligns perfectly with our content today so we couldn’t NOT include it too for a double dose of inspiration since we haven’t posted a blog in a long time.

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